Book review: Going For A Song: A Chronicle of the UK Record Shop by Garth Cartwright

Going For A Song: A Chronicle of the UK Record Shop by Garth CartwrightGoing For A Song: A Chronicle of the UK Record Shop by Garth Cartwright
Going For A Song: A Chronicle of the UK Record Shop by Garth Cartwright
If Going For a Song was a record rather than a book, it would be a best of, a worst of, and a collection of greatest hits and rarities all rolled into one.

Add into this mix a wax cylinder and shellac 78rpm disc for starters, an mp3 file and streaming service to finish, and - spinning somewhere in the middle - a revived 45, a disinterred 33 and a third, a fully-spooled cassette tape and one of those shiny CDs whizzing round faster than the eye can see.

But this being the written word rather than sounds coming out of a speaker cabinet, Garth Cartwright's compelling countrywide compilation also embraces a history lesson, a geography field trip, and a crash course in how to acknowledge a century's worth of social, cultural and political change.

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