Clean, de-clutter and climb the Eiffel Tower! Here's five things to do today....

See the world from the comfort of your own home!See the world from the comfort of your own home!
See the world from the comfort of your own home! | other
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See the world online

While the physical world might be out of bounds for a while, we have the virtual world literally at our fingertips.

Head online to find some virtual tours and you could see some of the greatest works of art, visit the Amazon rainforest, experience an authentic African Safari and climb the climb the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty - all in one day!

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But while you’re travelling the globe, don’t forget the wonders we have on our doorstep. You can explore many of The National Trust’s properties online and local museums and art galleries also offer digital tours.

Clear your clutter

Clear your cupboards and dig through those drawers! We all have lots of stuff lying about we don’t really need. Sort it all out and make some money selling it online - or save it for a car boot sale. Find de-cluttering tips at

Write a letter

With email, text and social media now the communicating norm, letter writing is fast becoming a lost art. But everyone loves to receive a hand written note. In these isolating times, put pen to paper and send a letter to a loved one.

Wash the car

We all put if off, but it feels great when your pride and joy is sparkling clean. Make the most of the dry spring weather, get outside, wipe that windscreen and scrub that spoiler. And don’t forget to vaccuum. It’ll be like having a brand new motor!

Play board games

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Boxes may be squashed and bits are probably missing but old board games can provide hours of old-fashioned, screen-free fun for all the family. Have a search under the stairs, in cupboards or in that abandoned toy box and see what you can find.