Asylum seeker charged with raping, sexually assaulting and grooming girl aged 14

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
A 36-year-old man had made his first court appearance charged with grooming an under age girl for sex.

Shah Sikander is accused of grooming the 14-year-old over a two week period culminating in meeting her in Poulton, after telling her not to wear her school uniform.

He is accused of kidnapping her and raping her in in a remote field at Preston Friday.

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He is then said to have driven the teenager back to her home town of Blackpool.

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COURT NEWS: A round-up of cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court

He also faces a allegation of sexually assaulting her.

Blackpool Magistrates were told by prosecutor Malcolm Isherwood that Sikander had travelled from his home in Robert Street, Warrington, to meet the alleged victim whom he had talked to on the Internet.

The Crown claim he used a false, name, age and photograph. The prosecutor claimed Pakistani Sikander had no legal status in the Uk.

Sue Mugford,defending , said her client is an asylum seeker.

Sikander will appear at Preston Crown Court on August 17.