Readers' letters - June 8

A reader doesn't agree with all-women shortlists. What do you think?A reader doesn't agree with all-women shortlists. What do you think?
A reader doesn't agree with all-women shortlists. What do you think?
Elect the right person '“ male or female

Re: All-women shortlists (Labour recruits to close gender gap, LP June 6). When I read about the all-women shortlists for South Ribble Council elections next May, as a woman, I cringed. Surely this is sexist and patronising? I couldn’t care less if my local MP or councillor or Prime Minister was male, female, black, white, brown or any other label deemed appropriate.What if we leave the little tick-boxes aside and consider this and this only: are they the right candidate? It seems to me, whether male or female, we so rarely get politicians of a high quality. Now if only we had shortlists for politicians who will fight for the NHS, people’s mental and physical wellbeing, public transport and the countryside and aim to combat poverty, crime, and environmental destruction. If we had shortlists for politicians who were both compassionate and sensible, I would be all for it.Disillusioned Female voter

environmentA cardboard alternativeI am very worried about the environment and have been very careful for years. I have taken my own bags and boxes to supermarkets long before it became an issue, bought fruit and vegetables loose whenever possible, recycle everything in the appropriate bins etc. What I do find annoying is the fact that I have tried to buy cotton buds with cardboard sticks in at least five different stores but can only see plastic sticks. What are the suppliers thinking of when there is so much publicity about plastics? This would be a small change if they could go back to making them with paper, but a big change for the environment, as we see the sticks washed up on the beach regularly.Rosie Gillilandvia emailalcoholDon’t drinkand strideI happened to be in Leyland (no Fishergate bollards to knock over there!) and was waiting at a set of traffic lights when I observed two chaps walking along towards a retail park. One was carrying a glass of beer and, just as he was putting glass to mouth, he stumbled, thus spilling his drink all down his front.Thus, in order to avoid accidents of this nature, I have dreamt up a new safety slogan.Don’t drink and stride!While I’m at it, I’ve also decided to organise a knees-up involving both beer and painting. I’m going to call it The Ale and Arty Festival.Neil SwindlehurstWalmer BridgesceneryLucky to live in LancashireWe had a walk along from Cleveleys to Fleetwood, taking in the new Rossall sea defence wall. What a wonderful feat of engineering this is. The scenery is to die for and I hope and trust it will be looked after by the public who will use it. I can’t think of many places that can better the wonderful scenery that we are able to enjoy here in Lancashire, other than in the rest of Northern England. Would that we could have the balmy days we have enjoyed lately more often, although every kind of weather has its own merits when you are fortunate enough to live in an area like ours.Christine Crossvia emailcommunityNewspaper deliveriesThe recent refurbishment of Grimsargh Village Shop and Post Office, giving, as it does, increased floor space and a marked increase in merchandise available, is worthy of a resounding welcome.However, the discontinuance of newspaper deliveries will cause inconvenience to many and significant issues to those who cannot easily call at the shop to obtain their newspaper.There appear to be no other outlets willing to deliver to homes in Grimsargh.The difficulty in recruiting delivery staff is understood but surely a solution can be found?Andrew NairnAddress supplied